April 8, 2022
Attention Attorneys:
Docketing Matters:
The July – December court term has been opened so trials are being scheduled.
The court reporter shortage remains a problem so day to day-and-a-half trials may be recorded by Web Ex recording.
If possible, please pre-mark your trial exhibits and bring a list of your exhibits to trial.
Please welcome Rachel Alejandro to the docketing team.
Please take a moment and confirm your case numbers on hearing requests to ensure you have included the correct case number.
Support Matters:
SUPPORT INFORMTATION SHEETS MUST BE SIGNED BY THE PAYING PARTY when submitted with court orders. Missing signatures are causing significant problems with the collection of support. This is form SCCA 446. These must also accompany “5-day” affidavits seeking to begin collection through the State Disbursement Office.
If an attorney fails to respond to requests for a corrective order related to an accounting matter, please be on notice that he or she may be ordered to appear in family court to address this matter.
All 2020 cases beyond 365 days of the filing date without appropriately filed hearing requests have been stricken. The 2021 dismissals are now being addressed.
Please welcome Ryan Holloway, Esq., Assistant Solicitor, as he assists the Department of Juvenile Justice with prosecutions.
The next ad hoc meeting will be August 12th at 12:30 p.m. in the training room on the first floor of Greenville County Family Court. Anyone who is unable to attend these meetings but has issues they would like addressed may contact: Vanessa Kormylo at 864-242-1644 or