November 2018

Judge Tiffany held the last Ad Hoc meeting for her administrative term. Judge Hodges will serve as the administrative judge for the 2019 calendar year and will hold the next Family Court Liaison meeting on February 15th , 2019, at 12:30 in the conference room of the judge’s hallway in the family court building.

The administrative judge and docketing office will continue to try to accommodate all hearings requested that deal with time sensitive year-end matters; however, hearing time is limited and there are no guarantees that requests can be granted so please plan accordingly.

Be sure to always promptly return calls from messages left from the docketing office. Also, please be sure to note all conflicts on your hearing requests including your client’s conflicts and do note any out of state litigants as this will give you an “A” status for scheduling.

Requests for protection may be faxed directly to Patsy in docketing, rather than to the Chief Administrative Judge.

When you do not have proper service of motions for temporary relief or contempt pleadings, please inform docketing and the hearings without service and notice will be removed from the docket as opposed to formally requesting a continuance.

Requests for continuances require the filing of motions, payment of filing fee with completion of the continuance form and be sure to provide notice to everyone.

Please do not simply email orders to judges. Hard copies along with the appropriate number of copies always need to be submitted.

Sarah Lynn has retired as Judge Robertson’s assistant and will be greatly missed. Jan Brown will be replacing her as Judge Robertson’s assistant.

The Greenville Bench and Bar wish to extend gratitude and recognition to Megan Burke and Amie Carpenter for generously volunteering their time to Safe Harbor and Family Court by representing petitioners for Orders of Protection during 2018.

The Price Law Firm in conjunction with the Greenville Bar Pro Bono Foundation is in search of family law attorneys to take pro bono cases and/or serve as a mentor. For more information please contact or go to

If you are unable to attend the next meeting and have relevant information you would like shared, please send the same to